Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Outfit: I'll tell you the truth under the morning sun

That day, I was not really sure if I would make an outfit photoshoot, but I was sure that despite the cold outside the bright sun was the perfect invitation for a walk with friends. 

Finally, I did the photoshoot but then I was not sure if I would like to post it in my blog, because for some reasons, I was sure that it was a simple and uninteresting outfit. But then, I thought this is my outfit for a cold day, this is me and I don't just get dressed and go around my neiborhood to shot some photos with the style that I would love to have, but I don't dare in my everyday life. If you do that, I don't judge you, you may give inspiration to some people, just it's not me!

At last, these shoes and this bag may be the best purchase of this season! 

Ada was the photographer! Thank you sweetie! :)

knitwear - zara (old)
shirt | trousers | shoes | bag | ring | socks | nail polish- h&m
brouch - DIY


  1. ζουζουνιές!!!!!!!!
    αγαπάω τα oxford σου from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!και τις wild κάλτσες σου!!χιχιχι :P:P

  2. Den xerw apo pou na arxisw!mou aresei pol uto ufos su stis photo!olo to outfit teleio...ghino mu arese tromera i pinelia me tis kaltses...kai eini olokliro umnos sto h&m!

  3. Η λεοπάρ κάλτσες ειναι μια ευχαριστη εκπληξη!

  4. Πες τα βρε κοπελιά!! Συμφωνώ απόλυτα! Δεν πιστεύω ότι οι fashion bloggers πρέπει απλά να βγάζουν φωτογραφίες με ρούχα που δεν τολμούν να φορέσουν στην καθημερινή τους ζωή! Δεν έχει νόημα ,άσε που το καταλαβαίνει κανείς με την πρώτη ματιά!
    Το outfit τέλειο...απλό και αληθινό και φυσικά....made by Vero!

  5. absolutely gorgeous honey,u look amazing!

  6. είσαι υπερ-φάμπιουλους ένιγει!

  7. είσαι υπερ-φάμπιουλους ένιγει!

  8. Iperoxo outfit gia mia apli volta me filous! Den xreiazesai tipota parapanw...Kai to casual exei tin omorfia tou.
    Kai poli kala ta les. Oi fwtografies mas prepei na deixnoune to proswpiko mas stil, opoio kai an einai auto. Den exei noima na forame rouxa mono gia tis fwtografies...

  9. h teleytaia einai gia periodiko!!

  10. Ti glukia pou eisaiii!!!Teleio to outfit!! :*

    Check my Blog
    and on-line store !! :)

  11. Love the shoes and the bow ring! :D Amazing sense of style, and the weather looks so pleasant (: I wish it were cold and sunny here in Singapore! But it's just sunny and hot, which gets kind of boring sometimes. (;

    Love your sense of style!

  12. M aresei poly i leptomereia me tis leopard kaltses!!Wraies fwtografies filakia polla!
    Style LimeLight

  13. Pragmatika den 3erw ti na prwto pw , ola mou aresoun, ta oxford ,on don't let me start ola einai Fab!!!
    kai paratirisa kati exeis keno sta dontiaaa , exw kai egw ena megalo kai to thewrw signature sto xamogelo kai mou aresei polu ... se zalisa alla eisai apla UPEROXI
    filia polla

  14. Very Cool!!!!!


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