Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deco: teal & chartreuse

This is the first time that  I made a post about decoration. I don't know if I would start a new category, but the only sure is that these are my new favourite colours on decoration. Teal is considered to be in the blue family, but it is obvious that it has grey and green in it. Chartreuse it is something between light green and yellow. It depends on the light. Sometimes you may think that it is mustard. I love it because it is vivid and happy colour. Also, chartreuse  is one of the colours in my bedroom, the others are really nude. Now,  I have to admit that I am considering of painting my walls teal. What do you think? 

delightbydesign.blogspot.com, www.lilyhodgsondesign.com, crayonchick.blogspot.com, cherishtoronto.blogspot.com, maisonpetite.blogspot.com, www.apartmenttherapy.com, theglamlamb.tumblr.com, pinterest.com, aliciabdesigns.blogspot.com, www.houseofmanyhues.com, glamlamb.com, swanklighting.blogspot.com, www.cb2.com, www.thisnext.com, www.bungalow5.com, www.quintessentia.com, www.chairblog.eu, www.shopshelterhome.com, vandm.com, www.dwr.com, exoticinteriors.wordpress.com, homedecorations.biz, www.2modern.com, www.universal-lighting.co.uk, www.designpublic.com, www.crateandbarrel.com, www.hartsofstur.com 


  1. I love those colours, I would use them!! The photos are gorgeous!! x

  2. Το τυρκουάζ με το λαχανο-λαδί είναι τέλειος συνδυασμός.

  3. this post is for me and you know it!

  4. ohh I love these colors in the space!

  5. Trelainomai gia to teal, kai nomizw oti an to xrisimopoiiseis se mikroteres posotites me vasi to chartreuse pou idi exeis, tha deixei poli wraio...

  6. I love all the designs, but that dining room + with the dark table is just gorgeous...and I love the color pop.


  7. wow so beautiful, green x yellow x blue in most pics. i'd love to have such apartments...

    Follow me on:
    Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion

  8. I love Teal. This is great inspiration!

  9. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I love this post! So many popping colors!

  10. I'm inspired by this post.I love the color combo.Now I have a few ideas for decorating.


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