Monday, September 6, 2010

Lorelai just tag me!

Today, I discovered that one of my blog friends pulled me into a little game of tag!! I was tagged by Lorelai (Lorelai's Things) with the "Eight to the eight to the eight" tag!

Here we go....
1. Where is your number one destination?

2. Which is your guilty pleasure song?
Wham - wake me up before you gogo

3. Which is your dream job?
a job in the fashion industry....but most of all fashion designer

4. What is your favourite food?
We talk about a big list!!!!!!

5. What's your best kids movie?
Mary Poppins

6. Which is your favourite piece in your closet?
My fur

7. In what do you believe in?
I believe in fashion :)

8. What do you like most about blogging?
The interaction between the bloggers!

And now my turn:

Spoiled bubu (chez bubushka)

You girls have to answer my 8 questions and then send your 8 questions to another 8 bloggers! Have fun!

1. If you were to make a movie about your life...what actor or actress would you pick to play you?
2. If you could start a business, what business would it be?
3. Top 3 favourite songs this time around
4. Do you like ethical shopping?
5. What is the best thing about autumn?
6. Supposing you can, you would like to be a model, a fashion designer, a fashion photographer or a fashion editor?
7. What would you like to buy this winter?
8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? (stop trying you can't) :PPPPPPPP

1 comment:

  1. haha thanks so much for the tag. i'll take the time to do it. :)


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