Sunday, July 11, 2010

DIY fascinator

Today was a hot boring Sunday and I was stuck in the city! So, I had a little inspiration and lot of time to realise it!! I made a fascinator! It is really easy to create your own fascinator and put on it whatever you like. I think mine it is a little extreme for a street wear but it is really cute!
I will show you mine step by step, it is easy and very quickly to be made.


  1. pws den to eixa anakalupsei auto to blog nwritera!!!
    esu to ekanes auto?
    teleio einai eidika to poulaki!!
    bravo koritsi!!

    ade tha gnwristume kai apo koda!!

  2. egw egw!
    loipon prepei na kanonistei h epomenh sunadish!!! :D

  3. Μπορώ να έχω ένα τέτοιο για τα γενέθλιά μου, πλιζ πλιζ πλιζ

  4. hey you! molis se vrhka!
    to blog sou einai uperoxo!


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