Monday, June 21, 2010

happiness is one bite away!


First of all, if you are on a diet stop immediately reading...I don't want to ruin your diet with that post!!In this post words may are needless but let me make just an introduction!!

Fancy colorfull sweets are really in fashion lately and they provoke you to eat them!!! A photo is enough to open your appetite and make you wanna dive into seas of them....ok maybe that is my dream...but if you wanna join me I'll be glad!!!! hahhaha
Ice-creams, macarrons, cup cakes, donuts, cakes.....enjoy...these photos are calorie free!!!


Which is the most easy way to have a sweet always with you? To wear it! yes! Fashion loves sweets......I don't think the same about the models............

I Heart Cupcakes Large ImageI Heart Candy Large Image
I Heart Cookies Large ImageI Heart Donuts Large Image

Cupcake Charm Bracelet[Thermo-keeper] [LUNCH] Bag 'Donuts'
ASOS Retro Style Contrast Cupcake Print Watchcupcake umbrella

And for our sweet boys:



Thank you for passing by! Please don't hesitate to comment, I am happy to hear from you!