Thursday, September 30, 2010

I was tagged part 2

On sunday Helene (le noeud rose) and Sofi (style en mi opinion) tagged me! I think I enjoy these games because make me think stuff that I wouldn't do by myself! So this is the what "I love" game....I have to list 10 things that I love, and tag 10 other bloggers! Let's start....

I love
to construct jewels
colourfull cocktails
a strong coffee in the morning
learning new things
the summer
pass quality time with people that I love
fashion magazines

So I tag random 10 bloggers who have to do the same...enjoy!!! :D:D

Alexander V (obsession in vogue)
EElectrocutee (eelectrocutee)
Sharon (871sher)
Ifigenia (pink dreams)
Claudia Isabella (cloudy day)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wear vintage.....part 2....the photoshooting!

First of all, I would like to thank wear vintage guys (Anthi and Kostantino) who had this great idea, to photo shoot the fashion bloggers of Thessaloniki with some of their vintage clothes collection. The concept was a day in the forest doing picnic, but finally it turned out to just a walk in the forest with a bunch of people who wearing really strange clothes (yes, the time machine works!!!!). We really enjoy the people around us, who were wondering what we are going to do!!! We really had great time and really fan, despite our tiredness. Here, I have some backstage photos, just to take a little taste......

In the photos you will see: alex, anthi, christina, eleni, froso, kostantino (as the photographer), lorelai, lou and me

For the start, a lovely video edited by lou! :)))

Y0u can watch that I look like a prom queen (yeaaaah finally I managed to be!!!!!!). I didn't expect such a result, but is was really funny and I eanjoyed a lot (of course I had the behaviour of a prom queen!!!! Did I tell you that I am F A B U L O U S?!?!?!?! :PPPPPP)

And then.....some photooooooossss!!!

Christina , Kostantinos, Anthi, Eleni

Trying to set the scene

The picnic basket

lou and alex

me and my lovely lovely emerald dress

just trying to find a rhythm

just lou....and the photo bomber alex!

the soldier and the girl <3

Anthi and her lollipop!

in action

as always photos with lou are great!

natural as always....:P

eleni and lorelai

Froso and Christina

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wear vintage.....

...has a great idea...but wait a couple of day to find out all the details..............just I let you know that me and lou went to pick our vintage outfits!!! We passed two hours wearing great clothes from past decades! I was feeling like I was playing in my mom's and grandma's closet!

You can and blog.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today's outfit: sometimes simplicity is the best

Tshirt - zara
jeans - zara
belt - vintage
bag - handmade
sandals - the classic greek handmade leather sandals

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today's outfit: the cargo pants

Looking these photos I can surely tell that I am still pretty tanned! Not bad!
Cargo pants my best choice for this time around and my best alternative to jeans! Here just try to give a less casual air with high heels shoes!

At first I though it was a grey nail polish, here it looks like a light purple and under the sun too! Strange colour!

Pants - zara, shirt - zara, shoes - miss sixty, bag - handmade, necklace - diy, nail polish - seventeen

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DIY: organize your hair accessories

This is something that showed me a friend of mine before a couple of months. I decided to try it now, and it is really helpful because I can easily, for the first time, to find all my hair accessories easy! It's easy and really cheap, you should try it!
Sorry for the bad stitchs, but I made it in a hurry because I really wanted to see the result!